Friday, June 6, 2008

Tis' June, The Month of Birthdays!

And the first up was Cam's sister Erica. Her June 5th cumpleaños was her cumpleaños más importantes de su far. That's because little baby Boocheeeka Erica Hyland celebrated her big Two-One! That's right, her 21st birthday, la gente!

OK, sorry for getting carried away with the spanglish but Cam did complete Intermediate Espanol at UC Davis (many, many years ago) en route to his International Relations Degree (which he doesn't use). But we digress......... Erica started off the night with floral abundance and champagne (actually, it is sparkling wine but whatevs).

The crew then headed to Suppenküche German Bierstein Restaurant in San Francisco. If this boot of beer looks familiar Suppenküche is the same restaurant that Cam took his brother Matt to on his birthday in January. See, this is what happens when you find a good restaurant that Matt likes. He just keeps wanting going back. Has Suppenküche become the new Hyland Family Obligatory Birthday Celebration dinner spot? Well, you'll have to wait until the post about Cam's 27th(!) birthday taking place on 6/26 (presents/gifts/candy greatly appreciated) to find out.

Now here's a cutie patootie picture of the newly crowned sisters (in-law) on Erica's birthday. Needless to say, Boocheeeka was enjoying her celebration.

Open your eyes, Greg! Clan Hyland (yes, the name is Scottish) enjoyed the German food/bier and Napa Valley sparkling wine of the evening. But most importantly, Erica enjoyed her 21st. We didn't make her take 21 (jello) shots but we did take her to a bar down the street and made her drink a post das-boot beer. The birthday buzz caused Lil' Sis to plead with Cam to take her out to a bar on Union Street for her birthday while they were back chilling at Cat & Cam's. Cam promptly agreed, got fired up for 2 minutes, and then proceeded to pass out in his chair while watching TV. Cam's happy to report that he did make it to 11:00pm. Happy Birthday Erica!

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