Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Lucas Serious

Lucas developed a new look after watching Zoolander for the first time. He calls it Baby Blue Ice.

Those eyes....it's like he's looking into your soul!

After a few recommendations from his agent, Lucas changed his look to Baby Blue Cutie. A much more magazine-friendly gaze.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Luke's 4th of July Weekend

Luke is having fun with Grandpa Greg on his boat.

He then tries his best to pose for a nice picture on the boat with Grandma Alta, Mom and doggy brother Frankie. Frankie is so scared of water that won't even go on the dock without his doggie lifevest.

Luke seemed to love his sunhat and wouldn't let anybody take it off all day long.

Lucas had fun with his big buddy Brennan at the Northstar pool. Luke needs to grow just a bit more before we get a fair baby wrestling match.

Luke then enjoyed his first venture into the baby pool. He felt comfortable in Daddy's safe hands with his lobster trunks.