Sunday, December 7, 2008

Belated Thanksgiving/Early Christmas

This past weekend we headed to Brentwood to celebrate the holidays with my extended family. It seems like it's gotten harder for everyone to get together on the actual holidays, now that some of us are married and have in-laws, kids, etc. So instead we get together on a weekend in December, between Thanksgiving and Christmas. We were lucky to have everyone in attendance this year- the group is growing!

Here is the newest addition to the family- my cousin's baby, Mateo. He was born last November.

The family with Grandma

Cameron with his buddies, Abby and Paige. These are my other cousin's kids. I swear they think that Cameron is actually their cousin instead of me. Cameron is the fun guy that always plays with them, so they were super excited to see him again. Here they are working intently on a puzzle.

Soon they got bored working on the puzzle and decided to play a game of horse. Can you see the sweat on Cameron's face? Ha! How many more can pile on?

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